Monday, September 22, 2008

Warm Springs Family Get Together

This past saturday we had a family get together at the church warm springs in Moapa. I always love being with my family, we don't see each other often enough. Pretty much all of us live in the same town but life happens and we are all raising families and we have to carve out time to get together. I always enjoy our time together and so do my kids. Its fun to make memories with each others families. Our family keeps growing and growing but it is so fun to watch and it makes me think what heaven will be like everyone all together. I love the part of the Proclamation to the Family where its says that "family is central to the creators plan for the eternal destiny of his children." I know that to be true. Enjoy the pics. To the family that couldn't make it we missed you.


Nicole Cave said...

I love Vandy and Chanel...that picture is going to be so cute to look back on when they get in a fight as teenagers!! They are so cute!!
Where's the ones of Chesney girl!?

The Zoo Keeper said...

Hi Tiffanie! It's fun to have found your blog!!