Monday, February 2, 2009

Mikeala's Fifteenth Birthday

Mikeala and her daddy she was two weeks old.The kids always get to go to dinner for their birthdays with us and friends and she choose her sisters to go out with her. So cute.That is just like Aarika her and Mikeala have a really close relationship and its so nice because it wasn't always like that. I love sisters.

She got an Ipod touch for her birthday. I told you she was expensive.

Her Grandma Suzanne made her favorite cake, white cake with fresh strawberries in the middle and real whipped cream frosting. YUM YUM

Fifteen years ago I became a mother again of another beautiful little girl. Mikeala Renea Gonzales was born on January 29th at 7:50p.m. weighing in at 8lbs. and 20 1/2 inches long. She was so sweet and beautiful and still is. She is such a good girl and I am honored to be her mother. Mikeala definitely has some funny comments that keep us all laughing and always in Mikeala fashion whether they are wanted or not. Speaking of fashion she is most definitely the fashion queen of the family I hope whoever marrys her can afford her because she is not cheap. But she is still the kind of girl who will go out in sweats and a ponytail or basketball shorts and t-shirt. I love her so much and am so glad she is part of our family. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKEALA RENEA!!!!


Nicole Cave said...

Tiffanie, you need to update...come on now!!